It’s always nice to see a headstone that is clean from dust, dirt and algae. This image shows the headstone prior to a visit with rainwater stains, dirt and bird droppings.
The client asked us to keep the headstone clean once a month, remove any spent flowers and replace the flowers they were sending, every two weeks.
After using natural products to clean down the headstone we dry the headstone off with a chamois cloth.
With this client, we then placed one of our Stainless Vases (with inscription) with fresh flowers along with a handmade card holder.
The final image to give some idea of what the flowers look like in the Stainless Vase at a close up. These vary in colour and flower type depending on what time of the year or month it is.
Some Berries, Eucalyptus, White Chrysanthemum, Kermit Green Chrysanthemum and Deep Purple Carnations.